Brighten Your Smile

Brighten Your Smile

Posted by IDC Team | 16th October 2024 | Team News

Are you longing for a radiant, confident smile? Tooth whitening treatment could be the answer. A dazzling white smile is often associated with health, beauty and confidence. There are various types of tooth whitening treatments available on the market today and it is important to be educated on how they work and what to expect, so you can make an informed decision about the best way to achieve a brighter smile.

Understanding tooth whitening
Tooth whitening is a non-invasive cosmetic dental procedure designed to remove stains and internal discoloration from teeth, enhancing their appearance. Discoloration can occur due to various factors, including aging, trauma, consumption of staining substances (like coffee, tea, wine, and tobacco) and certain medications (like beta blockers and diuretics).

Here at Inspired Dental Care, we are proud to partner with Enlighten® tooth whitening, the leading tooth whitening provider on the market. Enlighten®’s home whitening kits prescribed by dentists offer a convenient method of treatment to whiten the teeth at your own pace. Enlighten®’s latest EVO4 formula is the fastest and most effective yet. With precision designed custom whitening trays, EVO4 gives VITA B1 (the lightest shade on the natural guide) results in just three weeks — and long-lasting results without the need to make lifestyle compromises. Professional tooth whitening is tailored to meet your specific needs. Our expert dentists consider factors such as the type and severity of your tooth discoloration, your dental history and any sensitivity issues you may have. This personalised approach ensures that you receive the most effective treatment here at Inspired with minimal risk of side effects. These kits include custom-made trays and professional-grade whitening gel. The process involves:

  • Custom Trays: Your dentist takes a digital intra-oral scan of your teeth to create custom-fit trays.
  • You fill the trays with the whitening gel and wear them for a specified period each day, typically overnight.
  • The treatment usually lasts for about 2-4 weeks, depending on the desired level of whiteness and the product’s strength.

Legally, only qualified and trained dental professionals can dispense professional grade tooth whitening gel. There are many over the counter whitening products on the market today, all of which do not contain a percentage of whitening capable of whitening your teeth. Instead, they generally contain mild abrasives and low concentrations of alternative whitening agents which can be dangerous and damaging. Safety is a top priority during professional tooth whitening here at Inspired and our dentists are trained to use whitening agents safely and can monitor the process to prevent complications. Our clinicians take measures to protect your gums and other soft tissues from the whitening agents, reducing the risk of irritation or damage. Professional tooth whitening treatments are designed to minimise discomfort and sensitivity. Our dentists can adjust the concentration of the whitening agent and the duration of the treatment based on your comfort level. They can also provide desensitising treatments before or after the whitening session to reduce any potential sensitivity.

What to Expect
Tooth whitening treatments are a safe method of enhancing your smile, but some people may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided by your dentist or the product manufacturer to minimise these side effects. You will be provided with desensitising tooth serum to use throughout the course of your whitening to limit the occurrence of sensitivity. Your first visit to Inspired Dental Care will involve a thorough dental examination. The dentist will assess your overall oral health, the cause and extent of your tooth discoloration and discuss your whitening goals. You’ll need to provide a detailed dental and medical history to ensure there are no underlying issues that could affect the whitening process. Before whitening, your teeth will need to be professionally cleaned by our expert hygienist to remove plaque and tartar, ensuring the whitening agent can penetrate the teeth effectively.

After treatment
After tooth whitening treatment, it is important to maintain your healthy smile to ensure long-lasting ‘wowing’ results!

Maintaining your new smile involves:

  • Good Oral Hygiene: Brush twice a day with an electric tooth brush and fluoridated toothpaste, daily cleaning in between your teeth and avoid unnecessarily using mouthwash after brushing your teeth
  • Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks: Limit consumption of coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco.
  • Regular Dental Examinations: Visit your dentist here at Inspired Dental Care regularly for clinical examinations and professional cleanings by our hygienist.
  • Depending on your lifestyle and oral hygiene habits, you may need occasional maintenance treatments to maintain your bright smile. Your dentist can provide take-home whitening kits for periodic touch-ups.

A whiter smile can have a profound impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Professional tooth whitening can help you achieve a radiant smile that you’re proud to show off, positively affecting your personal and professional interactions. The results of professional tooth whitening can last for a long time and the benefits of professional tooth whitening make it a worthwhile investment. From superior and immediate results to a customised, safe and comfortable experience, professional whitening treatments offer numerous advantages. Our dentists use high-quality whitening agents that diffuse deeper into the tooth, removing more stubborn stains. Tooth whitening can significantly enhance your smile and boost your confidence. Always consult with your dentist before starting any whitening treatment to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for your dental health. Brighten your smile and enjoy the benefits of a whiter, more radiant appearance!

If you’re looking to achieve a bright, confident smile, consider scheduling a consultation with your dentist to explore professional tooth whitening options.

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